Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blog Of The Year Award 2012 ? Donkey Whisperer Farm Blog

Friends of the Donkey Whisperer Farm

I am honored to receive this Award from All Things Boys?she nominated me for this award after receiving the award herself. Thank you again! ?I am a bit overwhelmed as blogging started out after surviving a life threatening motor vehicle accident while riding as a passenger.

How Blogging Has Helped Me

Blogging helped me fill my time, stay connected to the people in our most fragile world

Blogging has given me a sense of purpose

with the extremely long isolated days and nights (pain) turned into

?weeks than months and finally years

Please excuse typos and grammar problems as some of my posts like this one are written at 1:30am in the morning as I can?t sleep due to pain

Almost three years of rehabilitation now learning how to walk and adapt to chronic nagging pain caused by the broken ribs and long surgically installed screws in my pelvis. I suffer from horrific back pain, rib pain, neuropathy in my feet, ankles and deep aching pain in my right hip where the screws were surgically drilled into my pelvis. ?Pain is something I write about to help others and share why training equine in a natural way without pain and resistance is the very best way.

Update on my health ? Stress and Pain Don?t Mix?

This week has been stressful as both my husband and myself ?had sworn depositions taken with a court reporter in regards to the personal injury lawsuit that has been on-going since the car accident in 2010. ?A very emotional, stressful and horrible experience as insurance corporations are in the business to make money not pay medical bills etc. ?We have learned the hard way that insurance refuses to pay the medical bills after a life threatening and catastrophic car accident even when their driver runs a stop sign and gets a ticket for running the stop sign.?

Additionally I suffered a major step back from Physical Therapy last week I have been enduring more pain and suffering than I normally do. ?The three large long screws surgically inserted into my pelvis do not agree with the wet and cold of the Pacific Northwest making fall and winter the most difficult time of the year for me. ? Wearing long johns and snow pants until we are back into the 60?s and 70?s for those of you living in the Pacific Northwest you understand this is weeks out of the year not months. ?I have been in Physical Therapy trying to get my body to become healthy and beat the back spasms and hip pain for almost three years now, no doubt GOD is working on me to trust him and have patience again.

Please remember to trust Jesus Christ each and every day and make him your Lord & Savior as he is truly the light of our most fragile world.

No doubt GOD has a plan and perhaps one day he will provide a way for me to live in a warmer and drier place for now this is indeed where GOD has planted me with my husband, Mammoth donkey, mini donkey, beloved horse, three dogs and two indoor manx mix kitty cats.

Please remember ?If you have never experienced abuse, or severe pain you will have a hard time having empathy for another human or animal? ?Please look for natural training methods without pain and suffering for your horse, donkey or mule. ?I am a home study student of Parelli?horsemanship, Parelli works for Horses, Donkeys and Mules. :)

Here is instructions for the Blog Of The Year 2012 ?

As you can see there is one gold star with the possibility of six in total.

The ?rules? for this award are simple:

1 Select the blog(s) you think deserve the??Blog of the Year 2012? Award

2 Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen ? there?s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required ? and ?present? them with their award.

3 Please include a link back to this page??Blog of the Year 2012? Award??? ?and include these ?rules? in your post (please don?t alter the rules or the badges!)

4 Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ?rules? with them

5 You can now also join our Facebook group ? click ?like? on this page??Blog of the Year 2012? Award Facebook group?and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience

6 As a winner of the award ? please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award ? and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar ? and start collecting stars?

6 stars image

Yes ? that?s right ? there are stars to collect!

Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once ? this award is different!

When you begin you will receive the ?1 star? award ? and every?time you are given the award by another blog ? you can add another star!

There are a total of 6 stars to collect.

Which means that you can check out your favourite blogs ? and even if they have already been given the award by someone else ? you can still bestow it on them again and help them to reach the maximum 6 stars!

My Nominations?

Elephant Advocacy Blog

Rayya ?The Vet

Main Writers

David Kanigan?

Memory Bears By Bonnie?

Morning Bray Farm

News Ferret

Long Life Cats and Dogs

Everyone has a story

An alphabet of gratitude?

I truly enjoy all of the blogs I read, I pray my pain and suffering has in some way helped you be the best you can be, treat humans and animals in our world the way you would want to be treated.

GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!



gladys knight private practice deion sanders creutzfeldt jakob disease the lone ranger yu darvish mad cow

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