Friday, August 2, 2013

[iPad Mini] Will battery loose usage as time goes on


When I first got my iPad Mini it seemed that after a charge I got good usage out of the battery, maybe over 24hrs. It's been 8 months and now it seems as if I'm lucky if a get 24 hrs out of it, if that. My sister got her at the same time and she can go a day and half. Don't know if it's my imagination or not. Now I know I'm always on it, and my sister and I play the same games. It's possible I'm just using more than I realize but I'm just concerned, could the battery go out completely where I won't be able to get any time from it?

Each device is different and it depends what's running in the background. If you have lot's of notifications enabled in your Apps, that will affect the battery. If you have the Bluetooth Radio ON, that will cause battery drain as well. Screen brightness turned way up, WiFi turned ON will all affect battery drain.

To put it in perspective if I stream live radio with the screen turned off I can go 3-4 days without needing a charge on my iPad 2. If the screen is on with Auto Bright and playing games or apps like Safari I can realistically get 11-14 hours.

People sometimes make the mistake of comparing two identical devices only to find out each person tends to use theirs differently.


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